“Wool has always been part of my life”
“A Lã sempre fez parte da minha vida”

“Creating with our own hands is magical”
“Criar com as nossas próprias mãos é algo de mágico”

In a combination of geometry and nature, João Bruno makes his creations from a natural material, wool. In his studio in the Moagem – Fábrica das Artes building in Tomar, reinvents the weaving and tapestry-making tradition of the Alentejo region of Arraiolos, with inspiration from his mother, exploring the traditional techniques and materials for sculpting pieces of furniture that are simply designed and contemporary.
The nature present in his daily life, with its trees, roots and stones, wholly woven on looms made to measure for each piece, or with the simplicity of geometric shapes, is transformed and exhibited in beautiful artistic and utilitarian pieces.
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